Chief Security Officer

Lagos, Nigeria

The Chief Security Officer (CSO) is a senior executive responsible for overseeing and managing the overall security strategy and programs within an organization. The CSO's primary job is to ensure the protection of the organization's assets, including its people, information, technology, and physical infrastructure.



Develop and execute a comprehensive security strategy aligned with the organization's overall goals and objectives.

Identify and assess potential security risks and vulnerabilities to the organization. Develop and implement risk mitigation strategies to safeguard the organization's assets.

Establish and enforce security policies and procedures across the organization. Ensure that employees are aware of and adhere to security guidelines.

Develop and maintain an incident response plan to effectively handle and mitigate security incidents. Lead and coordinate the response to security breaches or incidents.

Implement programs to educate employees about security best practices. Conduct training sessions to enhance the organization's overall security posture.

Evaluate and monitor the security practices of third-party vendors and partners. Ensure that external entities meet the organization's security standards.

Stay informed about relevant industry regulations and compliance requirements. Ensure that the organization complies with applicable security and privacy regulations.

Oversee the implementation and maintenance of security technologies and infrastructure. Ensure the organization's systems and data are protected against potential threats.

Establish mechanisms for monitoring security events in real-time. Provide regular reports to executive leadership on the status of security incidents and resolutions.

Define key performance indicators (KPIs) to measure the effectiveness of security programs. Monitor and analyze security metrics to make informed decisions about security improvements.

Foster collaboration with other departments to integrate security into the organization's overall business strategy. Communicate effectively with executive leadership and stakeholders about security risks and strategies.

Lead crisis management efforts during security incidents, ensuring a coordinated and effective response

Prepare and present necessary reports


Ability to provide strong leadership and guidance to the security team and the organization as a whole. Experience in building and managing high-performing security teams.

Proficiency in identifying, assessing, and prioritizing security risks. Skill in developing and implementing risk management strategies to mitigate potential threats.

Capacity to develop and execute a comprehensive security strategy aligned with organizational goals. Ability to think strategically and make decisions that contribute to the organization's overall success.

Strong understanding of information security principles, technologies, and best practices. Familiarity with security tools and technologies for monitoring, detection, and response.

Experience in developing and managing incident response plans. Skill in leading and coordinating responses to security incidents.

Strong verbal and written communication skills to effectively convey security concepts to both technical and non-technical audiences. Ability to articulate security risks and strategies to executive leadership and stakeholders

Expertise in developing and enforcing security policies and procedures. Skill in ensuring consistent adherence to security guidelines across the organization.

Ability to design and implement security awareness programs for employees at all levels.

Strong ability to collaborate with other departments to integrate security into the overall business strategy. Skill in working cross-functionally to address security concerns.

Skill in evaluating and managing the security practices of third-party vendors and partners. Ability to establish and maintain strong security standards for external entities.

Knowledge of relevant industry regulations and compliance requirements. Skill in ensuring the organization's compliance with security and privacy regulations.

Ability to lead and manage crisis situations effectively during security incidents. Skill in making timely and informed decisions under pressure.

Willingness to stay updated on the latest trends and developments in the cyber-security field.

Strong interpersonal skills to build relationships and foster a security-conscious culture.

Ability to work effectively with diverse teams and stakeholders.

Understanding of ethical considerations in security practices. Familiarity with legal aspects related to cyber-security and privacy

Education and Experience

Bachelor's Degree

Professional Certifications

Specialized Training

4 – 5 years industry experience

Job Complexity:
Personal Evolution:
Variability of the Job:
Job Security:
Overachieving Possibilities: